This blog is about equality. Mans laws may be against us and there are ways to even the balance between the sexes. You may scoff at how simplicistic they are, but do we do these things on a regular basis?
I think that all divorces can be boiled down to two issues, sex or money. One or both parties are not happy in one or both of these arenas. They can mask it as not enough time together, the kids, the other's method of handling or creating income or spending habits. Whatever, it's always sex or money.
Women want equality. Are we willing to learn to handle these two issues? Knowledge is power. If you are creating the funds, and can keep your partner sexually satisfied on a daily basis, the power balance is going to go your way.
How can we do this? Education. Making life choices which are consistent with our personal fulfillment.
How often do you read non fiction books? One a week? College education can only help along in opening doors to a career. It's the life long education that will increase our knowledge base.
Knowledge on eroticism is going to increase your fulfillment as much as your partner. Most of us think we know all there is to know. Wrong. Pleasure is a life long study. Are you centered enough and stress free enough to be able to spend time each day pleasuring yourself and your partner?
But heck, I have two kids, a job and no time. Make time! Rethink your priorities. Your kids know how to get your attention. Are you giving attention to yourself and your partner? How do you feel about your body? Do you exercise, eat right,etc. Study erotic education? Sex is as fundamental as easting, yet we often neglect this aspecto of our lives, or use it as a power play with our partner. Slow down, pay attention. If you're not interested, maybe learn a little. It may pay handsomely to the quality of your life.
The other method of equality I'd like to discuss is money. Feeling that your basic needs are net and that you, not anyone else, has the ability to meet those needs. Once again, education is where its at. No, not attending a college, self education, study,study,study. Can you be independent? Is it possible to become self reliant? If you have children, this idea still applys. Your children will become stronger if they observe your self reliance.
If you wish, I can recommend a reading list to get started. Make a request in the comments section.
How do you see these two issues in regards to equality? How does it play out in your life? Sex and money will be gone over and over in future postings in this blog.
Aways ready to learn: May I have the ready list? Thanks
If the learning is to develop as a person in your own right, then fine - but to seek out other avenues of knowledge to full-fill the needs of another is not the right road to equality or self-worth. Women really need to examine their motivation when it comes to pleasing someone else.
I'm interested in the list!
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