Australia, Germany, Brazil, Ireland, Finland,Liberia, Iceland, Costa Rica and Kosovo have female leaders, another eleven have female heads of state. Some may be figureheads only.
This ratio stunned me. I know we have made progress and yet the number still amazes me. So little power in the world. Does this amaze you? Or is it only me?
Makes me question equality? Is it possible? Are we meant to compete with men for power, for our point of view? For no wars, less greed, less need to look good to our buddies? For a more peaceful existence. We are always the reconcilers in our families, we are the ones who make ends meet, somehow!
I remember the beginning of the women's movement in the 60's. So much hope that opportunities would open for women. They have somewhat, and at what price? American women are viewed by others as extremely aggressive, yet we haven't achieved equality in the work place nor the home.
Once again, I want to mention why I started this blog. To create exchange of ideas, strengthening tolerance and equality. We have a long way to go. That is how I see it, how do you see it? Make a comment by scrolling over the word "comments" below.
The inequality of women in the world is a given - there is so much history behind the "little woman" scenerio that until the male of the specie is better educated to the limitless possibilities of the female, we're going to have an uphill battle to be recognized as equal.
Today is Thursday Feb. 9. 2012. Obama vs. the Catholic church. Before I comment I would like to read other responses to this. I, personally, went from one extreme to the other. The first amendment comes to mind. That is why I am asking "women" and, or "Catholic women" for a comment. There is an ideology we may or may not agree with in this arena. Does it intrude on the subject of equality?... is my question.
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