Are you aware of this practice where older women hold down the young girls, cut off their clitorises using glass? This is done so that women will not be interested in sex. Otherwise, men may be enticed by females to rape them, as men cannot be expected to have discipline. Also the reason that women must wear dark colored burkquas despite soaring temperatures of over 100 degrees. Religions have instituted this practice to help men overcome their lust.
I know, some of you are laughing so much, you will wet your panties, or cry with sadness.
According to the United Nations, each year, around three million girls and women - some 8,000 GIRLS EACH DAY - face the risk of mutilation or cutting. An estimated 130 million girls and women have undergone the practice in Muslim countries.
Were you aware of this practice? How would you feel about having eight women sit on you and cut off your clitoris without anesthetic?
Why I write this blog is to create some awareness of female inequality? Please write some comments and if you have undergone this procedure yourself please let us understand the other side of this issue.
The genital mutilation is apparently some kind of right of passage passed from one generation to another through the belief that men are some how superior. Being a woman from a Christian back ground and raised in a country where sexual freedom for all is encouraged the practice of this barbic custom is appalling. I would have hoped by now that some of these older women would have been educated enough to recoginze what this custom represents and try to stop this custom instead of continuing to participate in the ritual.
If a person wants to mutilate their body that should be their choice, not something that is forced on them by old customs and people who believe if it was done to me then it should be done to them.
I hope this ungodly practice will stop since we all know men are no better then women. If men can't control their sexual urges in these countries perhaps they should be jailed and they can force their urges on each other rather then on innocent women.
People should walk beside each other not in front or behind.
Every time I contemplate a comment about this horrendous "custom" I just start shaking my head at the total ignorance of anyone participating in this practice. The women who perform this ritual are the same women who as young girls had it done to them. Have they learned nothing in the years since? Is their culture so backward that they know nothing of the world around them? This is not even an equality issue - this is human subjugation at it's very worst. If men cannot be trusted to control their urges cut off their dicks - problem solved.
Female Genital Mutilation is a long and widely pricticed custom. Since I recently learned of the practice, I had to do some study. Wikipedia gives a very good description and history of it. FGM was practiced in many parts of the world. I do find it almost a reaction to fear of women, by men. Additionally, it is the same old thing of blaming women for male lack humanity. I simply cry for the millions of women who endure pain, illness, and hardship for being female. I am unable to imagine the pain, fear and hardship from such a practice. Thank goodness I didn't have to find out about this the hard way.
- Sally
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