Friday, March 9, 2012

Gender Equality is Required for World Stability

Recently I wrote about child marriage and how it essentially keeps countries improvised.

Ideally fifty percent of governmental leadership would be female. Could you imagine how different the world would be?  Not in our lifetime perhaps? 

Monumental events have happened: women getting the vote, man lands on the moon, dismantling the USSR, the fall of the Berlin wall, and the recent Arab Spring.  All monumental shifts in humanity.

I remember Archbishop Desmond Tutu, one of my heroes, approaching Oprah Winfrey asking her to run for President of the United States.  He stated that "until women run the world, we will continue to have wars".

Some of this female empowerment is seen in various cultures.  I really noticed how advanced females were in the United States versus Australia.  Some European cultures also come to mind, eg. danish, dutch, swedish etc. Also, I noticed years ago that Israel had a population of approximately 8 million, surrounded by 800 Arab nationals, yet that have been able to hold their own.  Why is that?  Female equality through women being respected as a valuable resource.  Women have been in their military and are encouraged to participate on all levels.  I spent some lovely time in the middle east too, and noticed that the national pastime was to disagree with one another.  Seemed like a sport to me, nonetheless it doesn't strengthen the community.

Imagine, yes imagine...what the world would be like if we created gender balances.  I see the Internet being the vehicle.  Information being shared freely, world wide.

I love that phrase....think like a man, act like a woman.

What are your thoughts?


Sally said...

You are so right! Arguing, fighting, killing, usurping and testing one another in this world is a waste of time, and resources.
One of my favorite songs, Des'ree sings, 'You Gotta Be', is so meaningful. There are two lines;
'Herald what your mother said
Reading the books your father read'
And the chorus;
'You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm, you gotta stay together'
Amazing poetry for what women can do . . . must do. . . 'gotta do'.
Women running government is one of the important keys to permanent world change for the better. Money gets in the way, or rather the lack of it. Currently, most money goes to politicians (men) who will be manipulated after elected, to make more money for the largest donors (men)and it all equals more power for them. The current governments are bought and paid for only to continue the same power base.
Never the less, you gotta be looking for ways to get in there and change that machine to strengthen humanity.
You gotta be. . .
. . . Looking for ways to change thinking
. . . Working toward learning to lead
. . . Moving into equality
Otherwise, humanity won't live up to our potential, without everyone, including females contributing their labor, intelligence and kindred spirits.
Awesome thought from Archbishop Tutu. He's one of the smart ones!

Susan said...

Sally, once again you have said it perfectly.