Sunday, March 18, 2012

Wake Up Gals, Your Right to an Abortion is Quietly Fading

Twenty States in the US now require abortion providers to conduct ultrasounds before the procedure.  

In Texas she must have an ultrasound probe inserted into her vagina, which is state sanctioned rape.  Rape is defined as "putting any object into an orifice against a person's will".  She must undergo lecturing by superiors and made to wait another 24 hours.  Four states are also considering adding this lecturing and rape to their current legislation, according to the Guttmacher Institute, a research  organization.

 Texas also cut spending on family planning by 66% last year.  Many states are seeking ways to abolish Family Planning out of their budgets entirely.

These new abortion laws are demeaning and disrespectful of women's rights.

The fact that women's health is suffering at the hands of political gymnastics which has been going on as long as mankind has been alive.

How many women now know that one has to endure all types of additional hindrances to obtain an abortion?  Ideally, abortion shouldn't be an issue.  Anyone who has raised teenage children know that abstinence is a fantasy that some churches promote.  Often teenagers will never admit they are sexually active to their parents.  An IUD for girls is ideal, and it costs $632 which a lot of parents can't afford. Birth control pills are also expensive, and often the lack of discipline to take them daily has its toll.  

Remember, currently 67% of all births in the US are now to single mothers.  Obviously, the politicians would like to increase the social burden on the rest of us by increasing those numbers and making sure that more than one in five children live in poverty or below as is the current statistics coming out of Washington.

Common sense does not prevail here.  Feels like we are all asleep at the wheel?  Taking away women's self respect, the hands of a male dominated society, is similar to stoning women in third world countries.  

What are your thoughts on this issue?


Anonymous said...

I've been thinking long and hard about this. Abortion is an option I have long thought was part of my rights as a citizen, but is being quickly taken away everywhere and virginal probing is an abomination. Ending a pregnancy is a personal situation and I hoped all those who do not wish one, would realize it's a choice. So, don't take that route yourself if it is your belief, but leave it for others to make their own decision. You don't know their circumstances. That is what freedom is all about; knowing that what you value may be different for others.

We consider ourselves a free thinking nation but pressures from extreme political and religious factions are taking us back to the 1900's, particularly a woman's rights. Unfortunately, women's freedoms are the first to go. The right to choose is an ongoing fight that can not stop, as with all of our freedoms.

Susan said...

I completely agree - when personal rights are on the block it always seems to be something that affects women. Men have for centuries set themselves up as judge and jury when it comes to human rights and honestly, who the hell gave them that right? WHO gave anyone the right to make a woman's personal decisions for her? We are supposed to be living in an "enlightened" era, but that is not so when women are constantly degraded to second class citizens with their own personal right to choose taken away by MEN in positions of power who really have no idea what they're talking about.