Saturday, December 31, 2011


I was listening to the songs our 10 month old granddaughter was hearing.  Beauty and the Beast, Snow White and the list goes on and on.  They all end up marrying a Prince Charming,have a huge white wedding and live happily ever after.

They start indoctrinating them early.  Once you've heard a concept five times, you're hooked.  Whether it's that men are superior, that women wear dresses, people who have different colored jackets (skin) are bad, or whatever the case may be.  One believes it after its communicated five times by someone of authority. Authority may be your class mates, parents, TV, movies, advertising, religion etc.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


What does equality have to do with this universal law of nature?

Firstly, do you recognise this law as a law of nature?  Whatever you give out to the universe will come back to you.  If  you spend enough time in contemplation, you will recognize that this is true no matter how small or how big the intention coming from you.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Don't Offer Advice Unless They Ask For It

This is an interesting concept in equality.  Especially for women as we are so good at giving advice. Heck, we bring up those kids that need our advice so much - or do they?

Aren't we trying to control them rather than giving advice?  I can hear you saying, hey they need to get to school, or they need to do so and so, and I'm in a hurry, on a deadline.  You just don't understand! Yeah, I do.  I raised two girls, and now a granddaughter.

Not giving advice unless it's asked for creates a level of balance, strength, and inner commitment in respecting the other person.  Respect.  A word with so much weight.  Equality and respect for another goes hand in hand.

Another spin on this idea is unconditional parenting, unconditional relationships, where acceptance of the other person is there regardless of the current behavior.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Why Equality?

What sparked my interest in equality?

This interest has been a lifetime issue for me generated by two incidences in my childhood.

As a young girl going to an Australian school for the first time, speaking no English only Dutch, I remember distinctly the first day starting with another student who also didn't speak English but only Greek. The way the teachers and other students treated us was markedly different.  I was blonde with blue eyes and she was dark with brown eyes.  My treatment was so much better, kinder, more accepting, open and warm. The Greek gal was pushed around, largely ignored and shunned!  Even as a small girl I noticed that the color of my skin, my look, my jacket was judged as good, she was bad?  I never forgot the inequality!!!!!!!