Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I do not forgive because I'm weak.  I forgive because I am strong enough to know that people make mistakes.

We women are so very strong.  We endure child birth, child rearing, working at a full time job, along with the child rearing, yet, we outlive our men by an average of six years.

Yet men rule the world - rule us essentially!

They are the captains and kings of industry who decide which products or services will be produced and at what cost to society.  They choose which politicians to endorse/control.  They choose which countries, peoples should be annihilated, how and when to conduct wars.  They control how to think through religions and the media.

Its not the problem that's the problem.  It's how we see the problem that's the problem.

I do not forgive because I'm weak.  I forgive because I am strong enough to know that people make mistakes.


Carol said...

How many times do we have to forgive before we appear weak? That is not a positive outlook, I know.I feel it is healthy to go through the anger and are allowed to feel the intensity of the anger before we allow forgiveness to return! I do keep forgiving because I always try to look at the problem from the other's point of view, their strenths as well as their weaknesses. When we decide to stay with a partner, forgiveness comes with understanding and love. It definitely makes life "real" all over again. Life's happenings and unpracticed decision making is forever changing and evolving...ultimately so does forgiveness.

PennyT said...

When i have been wronged by another, the greatest gift i can give myself is to forgive the other, AND myself for the anger i feel in response. The next best gift is to learn how to be willing to risk trusting again.

Susan said...

Can you truly forgive? Because I don’t think you can truly forget when someone has done something that’s requires “forgiveness”. And when someone continually does things that require you to forgive, that shows a distinct lack of respect for you as a person. I don’t feel that I am weak because I hold onto my anger. I feel that I am protecting my self-worth from people who cannot be trusted to have my well-being at heart.

Anonymous said...

Forgiveness is unconditional. It is the letting go of hurt, to keep you intact. There is a saying, "Forgive everyone everything, but remember the {offender’s} name'. Not that I subscribe, but there is a difference between forgiveness and forgetting. Letting someone to continue to hurt you is not being strong, or smart. But, neither is holding on to pain. It is necessary to forgive for ourselves, and forget for others, keeping in mind to takes steps to avoid, correct, or voice the mistake, calmly, and clearly. It really feels good once you stop beating your head on a wall. To be strong you must let go of the pain, to remain strong you must have boundaries. -Sally